Structures of regular patterns such as Truss, Arch and Frame can be readily created by Structure Wizard and inserted into the desired location on the global model. Midas Gen enables us to readily create nodes and elements as if we were drawing drawings using the majority of functions used in CAD programs. They offer excellent facilities and productivity for the modeling and analysis of complex, large-scale structures. The user-oriented input/output functions are based on sophisticated and intuitive User Interface and up-to-date Computer Graphics techniques. Building and General Structure Design New Standard User-friendly GUI These features contribute to higher and unprecedented standards of convenience, efficiency, versatility and productivity for structural design.

midas Gen utilizes a diverse range of specialty finite element analysis functions as well as modern theories of structural analysis to render accurate and practical results. With its intuitive user interface, contemporary computer graphics and powerful solver, midas Gen enables practicing engineers to readily perform structural analysis and design for conventional and complex structures. Midas Gen Integrated Solution System for Building and General Structures