You can easily find this on google or any tumblr site, but feel free to ask again if you need help. Last but not least, you need the Resource.cfg file in your Mods folder to make every mod work in your sims3 game. GeoMax Zenith25 Series User Manual - w3.leica GeoMax AG, CH-9443 Widnau, hereinafter referred to as GeoMax, is responsible for supplying the product. GeoMax Zenith 20 Zenith 20 is a 120 channel with GPS, Glonass and Galileo capabilities. Both of these folders could be found in 'My Documents'. simpacks should go into the 'Download' folder, and package files should go inside the 'Mods' folder. However, the dashboard mod only identifies package files so be aware of that. All GeoMax software is developed to make your daily work more easy and flexible. The goal will be to import this data into GeoMax Geo Office for later post processing. The custom contents come in simpacks or package files. Collecting Stop and Go Data Using a GeoMax Zenith 25 GNSS Reciver and MicroSurvey FieldGenius Introduction This guide describes how to collect Stop and Go data usingyour GeoMax Zenith 25 GNSS receiver and MicroSurvey FieldGenius.

Some custom contents might crash the game or lag it to oblivion, therefore this mod is very useful. Equipado con lo último en tecnología de receptor GNSS,el Zenith25 ofrece el máximo rendimiento.

You can download it in 'modthesims' site, and the beauty of this mod is that it tells you which custom content has gone corrupt, which mods clash with each other, etc. Este receptor puede programarse como Movil, si se desea. Also, if you download custom content, I'd strongly recommend you one of the sims3 mods that is called 'dashboard'. Receptor BASE Zenith 25 GNSS con GSM interno y radio UHF, provisto con GPS tracking 5Hz.